Coffee Table Books
Ramadan Fashion - Versione Inglese
112,00 €
Ramadan Fashion, The Saudi Perspective - Versione Inglese
"Ramadan Fashion" è il primo libro fotografico dedicato alla moda in Arabia Saudita durante il mese sacro del Ramadan.
Per i musulmani di tutto il mondo il Ramadan è un mese sacro di digiuno, preghiera e riflessione. Per molti in Arabia Saudita è anche un momento di festa e un'occasione per mostrare le proprie tradizioni culturali e la propria moda.
Attraverso le splendide ed esclusive fotografie scattate in Arabia Saudita, "Ramadan Fashion" offre uno sguardo unico e affascinante sulla moda, mostrando i costumi tradizionali e le collezioni contemporanee create appositamente per il Ramadan da stilisti sauditi, sia per uomo che per donna.
"Ramadan Fashion" è un coffee table book con copertina rigida di grande impatto visivo.
Il suo design è elegante e sofisticato, con un titolo che cattura immediatamente l'attenzione e attira il lettore.
Aprendo il libro, i lettori vengono travolti da un tripudio di colori. "Ramadan Fashion" è un libro principalmente fotografico, con immagini a tutta pagina che catturano l'essenza della moda saudita durante il mese sacro del Ramadan.
Le fotografie si susseguono in un ordine che consente ai lettori di immergersi completamente nella bellezza e nella diversità della moda saudita. Il libro presenta sia i costumi tradizionali che le collezioni di moda contemporanea sia per gli uomini che per le donne.
"Ramadan Fashion" mostra i preziosi dettagli degli abiti tradizionali, così come i colori vibranti e i tagli moderni della moda contemporanea, in un viaggio affascinante dalla prima all'ultima pagina.
Le immagini sono accompagnate da capitoli che permettono di approfondire le tradizioni culturali e i significati che si celano dietro gli abiti e gli accessori indossati durante questo importante periodo.
"Ramadan Fashion" è un'opera d'arte straordinaria e accattivante che celebra la bellezza, la diversità e il patrimonio culturale della moda saudita durante il mese sacro del Ramadan. È un libro che sarà apprezzato dagli appassionati di moda e da chiunque sia interessato all'affascinante cultura dell'Arabia Saudita.
Titolo: Ramadan Fashion, The Saudi Perspective
ISBN: 978-88-940676-8-2
Autore: Marwa Al-Jamea
Lingua: Inglese
Realizzazione: Interamente realizzato in Italia, presso i laboratori D’ORO Collection
Numero di Pagine: 312
Dimensioni (cm): 25 x 33 x 4
Copertina: Cartonata
Carta: Carta bianca, 150 gr
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar – known as Hijri calendar. It is observed by Muslims as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and living in community.
Such a commemoration is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam and lasts from twenty-nine to thirty days beginning with the sight of the crescent moon. It is considered the most important month for Muslims as the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad – Peace be upon Him.
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the holy city of Mecca is located, Ramadan is considered a period of goodness, piety and charity. In the month of Ramadan there is a unique atmosphere of religious rituals rooted in the Islamic traditions.
The main principles guiding life during the holy month are love and tolerance. Whatever is focused on family and religion comes first. Moreover, this is the month when Muslims eat only two meals per day: the Suhoor, early in the morning before Fajr prayer and the Iftar to break fasting after the cannon shot (Maghrib prayer) – an ancient tradition that has been handed down for centuries.
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia there are numerous rituals linked to Ramadan and countless charity initiatives in which people are eager to participate.
The air of celebration is also visible in the decorations and lights which embellish the cities.
In such an atmosphere one more important ritual concerns fashion and the search for the most suitable pieces of clothing for the holy celebrations.
The Saudi fashion industry has been evolving while grounded on genuine interpersonal and cultural relations, thus outlining new perspectives.
There is an impulse to do things, to create something in the present – a present which is strongly rooted in traditions and forward-looking at the same time.
This is the scenario in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today – where a vivid tradition and a culturally active present nurture creativity and open the way for the achievement of an entire range of future goals that are clear on the horizon.
Such is the atmosphere that saw the beginning of Saudi fashion, and which has been marking its future path.
Saudi fashion brands are changing the way fashion is viewed within the Kingdom, continually inventing and reinventing themselves, season after season, in line with the historic moment and knowing how to exalt the complex relationship between humans and spirituality.
In full respect of the Country’s history, knowledgeable and skilful designers draw the essence of their creative process from nature, architecture and the diverse populations inhabiting a vast Kingdom.
They all recognize the importance of culture and religion, and strike the right balance between them, thus creating a continuous dialogue between the past and the present time – on whose basis their stylistic choices are taken.
There is intuition, there is consciousness, and numerous unavoidable reference points are contributing and will contribute to turning Saudi fashion into a movement characterized by a unique style, in which the sense of belonging echoes and relives in ever-new lines.
Today’s brands stand before a global audience and are responsible for representing entire universes – and not merely clothes-making. There is always a meaning behind appearance, and the great cultural richness of Saudi fashion is what makes it unique on the global stage.
The cutting-edge aesthetic approach of Saudi designers is one where colours and simple and linear shapes alternate with extraordinarily fine details. Their concept of fashion relies on preserving and conserving. Such words are rather unusual in the fashion system, yet they stand for high value and authenticity.
Saudi fashion is made of conventional beauty, where creativity is often an attempt of modernising tradition – which is accomplished by taking ornaments and details to increasingly higher levels and playing with new combinations.
This book documents a vibrant historic era of innovation.
Through a series of contemporary images, it opens a window on the present time, on its diverse, lively and vibrant fashion while narrating past traditions with meticulous attention.
This alternation of current history and tradition creates an interplay of references, similarities, inspirations and diversities that captivate the reader page after page in a combination of visual arts and spiritual meanings.
Saudi fashion may only be described with respect to its origins. Everything is closely related and interconnected, thus bearing witness to traditions with utmost care.
A piece of clothing is the means through which the body connects to its behaviours, accompanying human beings in their daily experiences. Such a connection acquires deeper and deeper meanings when placed in the sacred context of the month of Ramadan.
Purified lines and flowing garments currently allow for multiple style choices reflecting new balances, new looks and the possibility of expressing oneself in a creative tribute to religion and traditional culture.
Burak Çakmak
Chief Executive Officer, Fashion Commission of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture